Training/Nutrition Blog
Natural Water Flavors & 7 DIY Recipes
For Those Who Don't Like or Forget to Drink Water… Here's How to Fix It!
Substitutions for HYROX Specific Movements
It can be challenging to find specific equipment like a Ski Erg, rowing machine, wall balls, sled push, sled pull or sandbag. If you don't have access to them, you can substitute with functional exercises that mimic the same movement patterns, target similar muscle groups for strengthening, and achieve comparable intensity.
Choosing the Right Running Shoes
Running shoes play a very important role in performance, injury prevention, and comfort.
Exercises That Can Help You Run Better and Faster
How to go faster, smarter! With bonus plans for 5K and 10K.
Breathing and Movement
Can correct breathing have a positive impact on performance?
How to prevent Heat Stress?
Core Temperature Matters - Overheating can decrease performance.
Which HYROX Category Matches Your Fitness Level ? Find out Now!
This test is also a great way to identify your strength, endurance, and skills, even if you're not planning to compete.